This is legit a woah and I hope he’s not peaking too fast moment for K-actor Byun Woo Seok. He’s been on a two month tear since tvN drama Lovely Runner premiered and it just wrapped up last week which means he’s now on post-drama activities all lined up, including sold out fan meetings and other ancillary promos. It’s no a surprise to see him get magazine pictorials but this is a big one – Bazaar Korea announced today that he’s the cover model for the July 2024 edition and comes with 4 different covers and a huge 26-pictorial spread inside. These pictures in this post are NOT from the Bazaar spread, none of been released yet, but are from his post-drama interviews. I love seeing a bona fide breakout and he’s been a hard working always improving actor since I saw him in Record of Youth in 2020 so I am thrilled for him but worry he’s getting too much exposure which comes with extra expectation on his next project.
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