It’s been a busy summer for C-actress Ju Jing Yi, coming off a solidly successful spring C-drama airing of In Blossom. In June her long time agency announced she was going to re-sign with them but she stated it was news to her, and then announced she was not going to re-sign. She then set up her own personal office and appears to be doing fine on her own for now, and rumor has it she may sign with big agency Hesong Entertainment. In the meantime, C-ent insiders are saying that Ju Jing Yi has been getting more offers than usual because the offers that would have gone to Angelababy are flowing to her. Looks like the roles and brand campaigns are looking for a very specific look lol. Angelababy was iced for 6 months after the Crazy Horse show in Paris and has been trying to hard after her icing was lifted to try and make a comeback but is not making any headway. Ju Jing Yi would be smart to take as many opportunities as she can.
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