It’s no secret–I’ve been excitedly looking forward to a number of ‘big name’ comebacks and this month is delivering ! Little did I know there was an unexpected batch of artists waiting in the wings, ready to hijack this week’s playlist. Join me as we explore some fan favorites, as well as delightful new discoveries in this ongoing Kpop journey!!
HARMONIZE – ‘Breather’
As I’m fresh off a couple of my kids’ end-of-year school musicals, the choral styling of Harmonize was a wonderful surprise to pop up on my MV watchlist! I love the vocal variety and contemporary, jazzy beat of ‘Breather’, brilliantly delivered by this world champion Korean choir!!
&TEAM – ‘Samidare’
&TEAM is pursuing an angsty, teen pop-ballad vibe in their newest title track release. The harmonies are lovely and the choreo perfectly synced — but it was those precious few moments showcasing K’s beautiful lines in a modern dance solo that really captured my attention!!
Woody – ‘When You Alone’
As a former boy-group member, Woody has been on the K-Pop scene for over decade. It’s totally crazy that this was my first listen to this talented singer-songwriter! His vocal color (love that slight raspy edge!) immediately drew me in — this single is an instant playlist addition!!
Lim Young Woong – ‘Warmth’
Just like the title of this new single, Young Woong’s warm vocals are a comforting contrast to the melancholy lyrics and dystopian-styled MV of this ballad. Ahjummas everywhere agree–he is a stellar talent! (If you’re looking for a more upbeat song to lift your mood, I highly recommend the B-side track ‘Home’ — it’s an awesome techno-trot bop!)
BAND NAH – ‘Dumb’
Why am I only discovering Band Nah now?!?! They just dropped a comeback album, and I’m here to say I fell hard at first listen!! With a strong rock band sound, plus the black-and-white 1960’s throwback concept of the MV, this trio delivers most excellently! Already planning my dive down the rabbit-hole with these guys!!
LA POEM – ‘Mirror’
Absolutely loving this recent release from LA POEM! Their rich vocals are perfect fit for this ‘dark and dangerous’ pop track — they have definitely upped their game and proven themselves strong contenders in the cross-over genre of K-Pop!
Whether anticipated or unexpected, new music is always the highlight of my week!
Until the next playlist—
Dramas with a Side of Kimchi
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