With Joy of Life 2 done it’s time for a lot more C-dramas to premiere. Two that arrived at the tail of JoL2 has two very different outcomes – big budget high expectation Fox Spirit Matchmaker: Red Moon Pact is a dud in every way from acting to chemistry to writing to directing while comparatively lower budget with less well known leads The Double is not going doing gangbuster ratings but the reviews are really strong with viewers addicted to the fast-paced scorned smart woman getting revenge plotline. The Double is reportedly doing the streaming numbers that The Legend of Shen Li pulled in the same span of time which would be quite a feat. But industry pundits are saying the success of the drama is due to the story and visually appealing directing and leads Wu Jin Yan and Wang Xing Yue playing interesting characters and doing a solid acting job and delivering strong chemistry despite their 11 year real life noona-dongsaeng age gap. So the success of The Double isn’t going to deliver a leveling up in career for either lead but will be a small step up which she needs to get back her groove in the 6 years since Story of Yanxi Palace while he’s sooooo young still this is just the male lead successful drama he needs to keep up his career growth. I watched the first two episodes and thoroughly enjoyed it, it’s so entertaining but put your brain on the backburner lots of shit doesn’t realistically make sense but once you go with the flow this drama is legit a lot of fun to watch.

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