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Spring 2024 Blog Update – Ash Talks Kpop


It’s been pretty quiet here, and I decided before I go back to posting, I should do some explaining. Normally I’d have the April 2024 Best Comebacks and Debuts article up by now. But I have decided that not only do I not want to work on that article, I don’t want to continue this series on the blog anymore.


It’s been a continuous series on here for almost four years.  And I just don’t have the time to put into it like I did previously. It really has become more of a chore than something I enjoyed working on throughout the month. So I’m phasing it out. I do plan on continuing my fave songs and albums of the year.

I will continue doing quick thoughts and full article reviews on albums I enjoyed. But the overall move for ATK will be more reviews on late 2nd gen and 3 gen groups and artists. It’s my favorite era of Kpop and there’s soooo much that isn’t covered. And is being forgotten tbh.

There are a ton of new Kpop fans joining the community daily, and I think it’s important to showcase older music along with featuring new artists.

I mean I mostly cover new releases from 3rd gen groups anyway, like SEVENTEEN so that won’t change. And of course I’ll still have my main faves I’ll talk about a lot, also like SEVENTEEN, lol.

I’m excited because this will give me the opportunity to cover groups and soloist I’ve been meaning to for a while now, but I haven’t been able to juggle the old in with the new. So please look forward to more throwback articles and deep dives into groups you might not be familiar with.

But there will be some sprinkles of newer artists here as well. I will continue keeping up with new music and acts. But I’m not gonna continue trying to cover ALL of it. Or listen to all of it either, lol.

I’ve been talking about how my work routine has been different from what it was like when I first started ATK. I used to work in an office, and I was able to write a bit here and there more. And when I went back to working in stores, I was able to have more flexibility with those places. Currently, I’m 8-4 with an annoying commute Monday through Friday, so my hours after work and the weekends are extremely limited vs when I was part-time.

I think overall this year, I’m figuring out where to put my energy. So, I hope y’all continue to stick with me during this slight pivot in content. Nothing too new for my long time readers, lol. But I do appreciate every one of you who take time to read and comment on my articles.

I want to relaunch my email list as well and do some giveaways because I have some extra albums lying around that I don’t need. So please look forward to that stuff in the future as well.

The next article will be continuing my TXT series. I do want to get these up before I go on vacation in about 2 weeks. Now that I don’t have to worry about the monthly faves, I can just drop these reviews and keep it moving. And finally keep a posting schedule, omgggg. I’ll be unstoppable when I can stick to a posting schedule 😤.

I think that’s all I got for this article. Thanks for your patience, and I’ll see y’all next post!

Take care,



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