Premiere Watch: The Tyrant
by missvictrix
Time slot: Wednesday (single drop)
Broadcaster: Disney+
Genre: Sci-fi, action, thriller
Episode count: 4
Reasons to watch: It’s clear that Disney+ has been trying to fill the void of [good] sci-fi in the dramaverse, and The Tyrant is their next offering in that genre. It boasts an amazing cast of Cha Seung-won, Kim Sun-ho, and Kim Kang-woo. But, the most interesting thing is that it was meant as a movie — a spinoff of The Witch series — but then became a 4-episode drama on the cutting room floor. This is either a mark of genius, or a mark of disaster, and I’m looking forward to finding out which.
TL;DR: How much good-looking can you fit in one 4-episode sci-fi drama?
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