Infamous cyberwrecking YouTuber Sojang, who is currently facing criminal and civil charges brought by IVE‘s Wonyoung and Starship Entertainment, was recently chased around the court and down the street by Dispatch as she was forced to show up to court for trial.
Sojang showed up to court in disguise, wearing a wig, glasses, and a mask, this time for a defamation trial against Kang Daniel*. However, Dispatch quickly figured out who she was and started pursuit.
*Sojang admitted to posting a video with false information, but insisted the intention was not to slander and that she believed it was true. Her lawyer claimed the burden of proof was on the other side.
Like I know Dispatch is insane and for anybody else this would be absolutely deranged, but this is just funny as hell with context. I feel like you could add the Benny Hill theme song to this and it’d fit.