Source: Sports Chosun via Nate
[+278, -1] I feel bad for them ㅋㅋ shouldn’t they be worried about paying their penalty fees right now? They still don’t seem to understand their situation right now ㅋㅋ
[+137, -1] You don’t have time to be on SNS right now, you need to be saving up to pay your court fees
[+125, -1] I don’t think these three understand what’s happened yet
[+65, -2] At least Keena was smart enough to get out while she could, shame on the rest
[+63, -1] I wonder how badly they’re dying of regret right now? ㅋㅋ
[+22, -0] The thing about lying is that the more you lie, the more you begin to believe them ㅋㅋ they truly believe themselves to be the victims right now. They won’t wake up until they get hit with all the bills soon ㅋㅋ
[+20, -0] They’re probably still blaming everyone but themselves. Doesn’t seem like there’s anyone who knows reality on their side.
[+13, -0] Well, I suppose they have to try getting some kind of work to pay back all their fees…
[+11, -0] Just drumming up even more hate for themselves
[+8, -0] Must be frustrating to know that they only thing you have left for your career is opening an SNS~~
[+4, -0] Can’t wait to see the final total of their bill!!! ㅎㅎ
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