Article: CCTV misreport on Suga’s drunk driving by’ News Room’… took a week for them to private the video
Source: Newsen via Nate
[+135, -20] He got a lot more hate because of that CCTV, Suga-ya, go sue JTBC
[+109, -6] Wow, Hybe needs to sue that broadcast channel… that CCTV totally showed a scooter with big wheels at high speed, which made him get a ton of hate… only for it to be someone else all along??????
[+87, -3] Hasn’t JTBC always prided themselves on fact checking, cross checking, etc? But they put that out without even checking? I don’t think this is something a simple apology can fix…
[+76, -4] Not only should they take the video down but they should apologize properly too, how terrible of them
[+70, -2] So that’s it? They get off scot free just by taking the video down?
[+22, -0] I am not defending his decision to drink and drive, but broadcast channels should be held responsible for things like this. You can’t deny that he got a ton more than necessary because of this CCTV.
[+21, -0] They put it out as an “exclusive” report without even checking… he got so much hate for this!!!
[+19, -1] JTBC: ??? Nevermind then
[+19, -1] I remember seeing someone X say it’s not Suga, I guess they were right
[+13, -1] JTBC is such a terrible channel
Article: ‘Drunk Driving’ BTS Suga, whereabouts confirmed… drinking -> studio -> home before falling over
Source: Donga Ilbo via Nate
[+267, -174] That basically looks like a kickboard with a seat attached, I would hardly call that a motorcycle. I’ve seen tons of those on sidewalks. I think it’s possible that someone could’ve been ignorant about the laws regarding this.
[+176, -79] These electric scooters have barely been out, so I can see why someone could get confused with the laws surrounding them since they’re not really a motorcycle or a bicycle. It’s plausible that he really didn’t know you couldn’t operate one after drinking. Think about it, when did you see this ever being driven down a road? It’s usually on sidewalks.
[+168, -75] Isn’t the bigger issue here that he drove it down a sidewalk…?
– [+85, -9] Yeah, and articles have also been saying he was passed out on the street, but that’s not even the case
– [+82, -28] I see tons of these on sidewalks… that is no scooter, that’s a kickboard
– [+79, -3] I can see him being confused. It looks like a bike. Probably felt safe enough to drink and drive it down a sidewalk. Why would anyone ever take that thing down a road? It’s 1/3 the size of an adult.
[+77, -24] I still don’t get why you’d make so much money just to not spend it on a cab….
[+46, -6] Thought it was a scooter??? That’s no scooter… and apparently that other CCTV of him speeding isn’t even him?…
[+44, -11] Yeah, that totally looks like an electric kickboard. It may legally be considered a scooter but it doesn’t look like one at all, which is probably why Suga wrote that it was a kickboard in his letter. Poor guy.
[+44, -10] I don’t really know much about these things but to the eye, it looks way too small to be called even a scooter. No one would think of it as one.
[+42, -10] Not a Suga fan but people need to back off. None of you were hurt by his actions.
[+40, -6] That’s barely 1/3 the size of an adult body, all the people who called it a motorcycle should come out now
[+37, -2] So all those articles saying he bumped into something were lying… he didn’t hit anything, just fell over on his own in front of his place ㅋㅋㅋ the media was totally blowing it up and making up stories to get him more hate, wow… yeah, drinking and driving is bad, but so is spreading fake news
[+34, -1] So he just fell over, but the media was running around like he was ‘plastered’ and totally ‘out of it’… he was even sober enough to greet everyone properly after falling over…
[+31, -1] Wow, all this hate over CCTV that ended up being fake… he’s been getting hate all weekend long over that CCTV for “lying” about this and that ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I’m getting goosebumps… Hybe, what’re you doing? Why aren’t you suing JTBC?
[+28, -3] That kickboard looks barely the size of a toy, why would anyone expect him to drive it down a road?????????? He totally had every right to drive that down a sidewalk
[+27, -1] Yeah, it really does look like a child’s toy ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ JTBC and Yonhap News must be out to exile him or something… spreading fake news without even fact checking???? Just why?
[+26, -1] All those articles that claimed Suga was lying without any proof… the media really needs to reflect on this one. We can’t keep letting them get away with “oh, oops” every time they get caught spreading fake news.
[+25, -1] Come on, where’s that article yesterday that claimed he hit something and fell…
[+24, -0] Raise your hand here if you know the actual laws surrounding kickboards and scooters! Because if I had something like this, I’d drive it down a sidewalk too! Why would anyone drive this down a road? How many lives do you think we have???
[+22, -1] No, yeah, that totally looks like a kickboard… what was that last CCTV, then;;
[+20, -0] This new CCTV saved Suga’s life. He wasn’t lying, it really was a kickboard. Someone needs to arrest whoever uploaded that first CCTV as being him.
[+17, -1] Wow… the whole week, the media was going nonstop as if he was totally drunken and speeding down with a motorcycle… but the actual facts of the case are quite… pathetic?? ㅋㅋ No one would look at that and call it a scooter… if anything, it looks like a child’s toy.. and he was apparently “plastered” but look at him get right back up after falling?
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